The League of Reston Artists offers a series of exhibits each year. The LRA team is responsible for selecting and scheduling all exhibitions. LRA mounts solo, themed, and juried group exhibitions, which may be proposed and organized by LRA curators, guest curators, and individual artists. LRA Group Exhibitions are ‘Judged’ (selected for prizes) but NOT ‘Juried’ (selected for entry) unless specifically stated.
All member artwork is generally accepted for Judged shows unless framing or subject matter lacks acceptable standards. If you have any questions about a particular exhibit or its requirements, please contact the Exhibit chairperson.
Submission of any entry to a specific show constitutes understanding and agreement with all of the conditions set forth herein.
Exhibitors must be over 18 years of age. Each Exhibit Registration will specify MEDIA REQUIREMENTS and whether Non-Members are eligible. LRA does not exhibit 3-D work due to display limitations and fine craft items are not accepted. All works exhibited within the past 18 months at the same venue are not eligible. All work should be of good taste for a public building. The venue and LRA reserve the right to unconditionally reject any work not deemed suitable for display based on content or quality. All work should follow LRA framing guidelines.
Entry Fees:
Exhibitors normally pay an entry fee used to defray the costs of that exhibit. Entry fees vary depending on the type of show and are included in each online entry form. To make an entry payment for any of the shows, please pay online using the payment buttons that appear with exhibit registration. Payment buttons will be visible while the exhibit is accepting entries.
To pay your Exhibit Fee with credit card you DO NOT need a PayPal account.
LRA will retain a 10% sales commission on all sales including sales up to 30 days after the exhibit closes which are a direct result of this exhibit. Work will be sold at the price listed on the entry form unless marked “Not for Sale” (NFS). Work will be sold framed ‘as exhibited’ unless specifically stated otherwise. Clients who wish to purchase a piece of art from the exhibit will contact the artist at their email address provided on the art label.The arrangement for the art purchase and delivery or transfer will be handled by the artist. Six percent (6%) VA sales tax is each artist’s responsibility. Please email the exhibit chair regarding details of any sale – payment of commission to LRA by exhibit artists is on an ‘Honor’ system.
Artists exhibit all work at their own risk. LRA and the venue are not responsible or liable for damage, theft or loss of an individual’s work from any cause whatsoever. LRA will not be responsible for paintings not picked up on time and such works may be left at the venue uninstalled and unattended. If you are unable to pick up your work on time, please make arrangements with someone to do that for you.
All accepted work must remain for the duration of the show. LRA reserves the right to photograph work for publicity and use on the LRA website, Facebook page, etc. LRA is not responsible for works left after the pick-up dates following the close of the exhibit.
All artwork must be framed, unless they are gallery-wrapped canvases or metal prints with a built in hanging system. All work must be ready for hanging with a proper hanging system: hooks on either side of the work strung with wire. Hooks should be near the top back of the work and the wire tight enough that it does not show when the work is hung.
LRA reserves the right to refuse work that is improperly presented or unsafe to hang. (Kick-stand frames will not be accepted, frames that are overly worn will not be accepted, glass that is broken will not be accepted, art that is not secure in its frame will not be accepted, etc.) No clips front or back will be accepted. All work must be identified with the artist’s name, phone number, title of the work, medium, and price. Work that is wet will not be accepted.
Press Promotion:
If you would like to be included in press information, please send an email to with an image of your artwork in .jpg format (at least 1200×1200 pixels), clearly identified with the name and date of the corresponding Exhibit and including the artist’s name, phone number, title of work, medium and price.