Tuesday May 5th, 7-8:30 pm

Reston Community Center, Lake Anne

A Talk and Workshop presented by Dr. Margaret Newton

Sponsored by the League of Reston Artists

Dr. Margaret Newton bases her talk and workshop on research from Harvard and an article written on MRI studies on the brain and connections to art practice. Emory University used this research to implement art programs for medical students to increase diagnostic ability, empathy and compassion. In the workshop portion, we will use large sketching paper and clay and practice creative exercises. Much of what Dr. Newton teaches is how to get out of the thinking mind in order to connect with our greater inner power, to connect to the source of all life and work from there.

The statement, “we teach best that which we need to learn” is an essential part of Dr. Newton’s approach. Further she adds, “My experiences of being with a dying person is that, to do it well, it requires patience, compassion and empathy. The focus of my talk will be how art making develops these qualities. The action of our experience will be in developing compassion and empathy through this artistic practice together.”Dr. Newton has degrees/ certificates in education, massage, and chiropractic.

Dr. Newton has degrees/ certificates in education, massage, and chiropractic.