Reston Photographic Society is excited to welcome back Denise Silva as our speaker.  Even though Denise has moved to Montana, Zoom allows us to bring her to the club on November 15 at 7:30 PM. Denis will discuss Textures and Blending.

Denise, a widely recognized professional photographer, is known for her eagerness to share her broad scope of interests and expertise – from in-camera compositions and post-processing – to landscape and wildlife photography – to street photography and urban decay.  In fact, it was watching one of her online interviews, “Overcoming the Challenges of Street Photography,” that I was first introduced to and inspired by Denise. Among her many accolades – is being the featured photographer in “Photoshop User” magazine’s “Who’s Who” in 2015. More recently, Denise was recognized as one of the “Top 200 Women Landscape and Nature Photographers Who Inspire” – and her images have been published in the “Extraordinary Vision” magazine. As if this isn’t enough, a club member, Jerry Taylor, just gave me a heads-up that one of Denise’s images will be published in LensWork’s upcoming “Our Magnificent Planet” 2021 edition. In doing my research, what stood out is her reputation as a passionate educator, one who enthusiastically shares her expertise with students and clients … lecturing at Nature Vision exhibits and creating YouTube videos. Currently, Denise and her partner, Geff Bourke, both with a deep passion for photography and travel, operate “Road Runner Photo Tours,” specializing in small groups of photographers, who are, as they say, “looking to experience new places, build friendships, find photo-companions, and develop technique.”

Textures and Blending – Denise Silva

Take your photography to the next level through the blending of textures. This presentation will challenge you to look at your art in a new way and inspire you to create new images from all those pixels are your hard drives! This presentation focuses on how to use Photoshop layers, masks, and blending modes to create unique art from your collection of images.